10.10.2011 13:22
Class: Silicates.
Formula: ZrSiO4, zirconium silicate.
Hardness: 6.5-7.5.
Specific gravity: 4,55-4,67.
Color: different shades of brown.
Feature: white.

The main deposits are in Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Korea, Madagascar, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand and Vietnam.
This minetral - the only natural stone that can compete with the king of noble luster stone diamond. His name was from the Persian "tsargun" - "golden stone".
But, unlike almost always colorless diamond, zircon is a wide variety of colors: Hyacinth - from orange to red-brown, old-lit - from blue to greenish; malakon - from olive green to brown; Matura-diamond - colorless, Alma -zopodobny; Ceylon jargon - pale straw-yellow.
According to the chemical composition of zircon is a zirconium silicate. In nature, zircon occurs as well formed crystals. Crystal size is usually small - a few millimeters. Occasionally there are large zircons.
An interesting feature of the zircon change its color or shade by heating. All blue and golden yellow and colorless zircons now known, got its color due to heat treatment of red-brown stone that is mined, particularly in Cambodia.
Usually zircons become blue color or become colorless when heated at their lack of air. When heated in the air as they are colorless or golden yellow. Unfortunately, these stones
eventually fade, especially the blue. The commercial name of these stones - "Siamese zircons" or "Siamese aquamarine" (from the name of a place of treatment).

The largest crystal of zircon of 40 cm and weighing 6 kg was found in 1966 in Renfrew, Ontario, Canada. Known as the unique crystal zircon weighing 3.5 kg.
In Ilmensky mountains in the southern Urals was found zircon crystal about 22 cm of the same magnitude zircon (about 22 cm) found in Australia. Mass of one of the largest jewelry zircon is 118 carats (Sri Lanka)

Zircon is often used as an imitation diamond, but it must be remembered that the zircon - an entirely different mineral than synthetic material that is present in the market with similar-sounding brand names: "cubic zirconium", "cubic zirconia", CC. All of these items previously only seen abroad in Russia this stuff called cubic Zirkonia. 'However, in recent years, imported material has appeared with such names and in our market, introducing the buyer confusion.
Zirconium - a metal of which is made so widely publicized in recent years zirconia bracelets. As well as a chemical element that is part of the mineral zircon (zircon - a zirconium silicate).
Among the buyers and sellers in the jewelry stores can often hear "synthetic zircon." Actually meant, rather, a synthetic material cubic zirconia, because the amount of synthesis of zircon tiny - a few pounds a year in the laboratory and into the market comes natural zircons.

Medicinal properties.

The ancients believed that zircon can stop nosebleeds and other bleeding, unless the person is injured and no stone is not iron. Russian medical manual of zircon say, "Bechet (zircon) has a stone heart and grief and obveselit dissimilar drives away thoughts, reason and honor abound, from the thunder and the enemy defends, and from deadly plague epidemic remains, pregnant women having children to an early lead."
In the East, believed that "the younger brother of the diamond 'improves mental abilities of the master, it creates the desire for knowledge and knowledge of the truth, increases intelligence and improves memory.
Talismans and Amulets

Zircons were considered talismans of travelers. They guarded their masters from the bites of wild beasts and poisonous snakes, but also contributed to a loyal attitude of the locals.
Noble assisted zircon from melancholia and hallucinations.
Mystics believed that the zircon has a higher magnetic force, a property attributed to him losing shine before the storm.
In the hands of wicked men stone dangerous. Develop a sense of superiority and vanity. It is useful to people doubt themselves, because it gives self-confidence.
Hyacinth is often called the stone of prostitutes. Its really use prostitutes in medieval Europe as an amulet against unwanted pregnancy, as well as to increase their income. Today, frequent warnings that placed "beauty" in the bedroom hyacinth contributes to infertility, and a gift for a wedding decoration prevents conception and causes abortion. In ancient times hyacinth dedicated to Mercury and is considered the patron of merchants and artists.
Avestan school of astrology believes that the red hyacinth zircon is associated with unhappy love, that it can not be those who are not married, because it might alienate all the fans and groupies. This stone should be worn in a state of sorrow and grief.
Like many other minerals, zircon Monogamous, he does not like to even stay temporarily in another person. Often happened that a ring with zircon literally flew from the hand of his mistress after she gave him denounce his friend.

Compliance with the sign of the Zodiac

Astrologers believe zircon stone of Capricorn, Libra is also suitable and Taurus.
Some astrological schools do not recommend wearing it to Pisces, as the stone they deceive, as well as cancers, since it makes them selfish.

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