10.10.2011 12:28
Synonyms: ruby, balangus.
Class: Oxides and hydroxides.
Formula: Al2O3, aluminum oxide.
Hardness: 9.
Unit Weight: 4.
Color: red.
Feature: white.
Related Minerals: red spinel

Except Antarctica, found on all continents. Valued primarily Asian rubies. The main exporting countries are rubies, Myanmar, Thailand and Sri Lanka. Rubies are also in demand from East Africa, from countries such as Kenya and Tanzania. Since ancient times, is produced in the Pamirs (the field "snow" in Tajikistan).

Rubies have always considered the main rival of the diamond. For some people it is valued above equal-sized diamonds and emeralds. It has long been ascribed to ruby ​​magical properties. In the story by Kuprin "Sula-mif" King Solomon said, "Anthrax, the sacred stone land of Ophir. It is hot and humid. Look, he is red as blood, as the sunset, as a full-blown color of garnet, as a thick wine from the vineyards engedskih ... This is the stone of love, anger and blood. On the hand of man, languishing in a fever, and intoxicated with desire, it becomes darker and red flames lit ... If it is crushed into powder and take with water, it gives a flush face, stomach and soothes the soul rejoices. Wearing it acquires power over people. "

The word 'Ruby' comes from the Latin "rubur" - "red" in ancient Greece it was called "anthrax" - "ember". The same importance is its Latin name of "carbuncle".
Ancient sources describe the color of ruby ​​is not just a red or scarlet, and flame red. According to legend, served as a ruby ​​lantern mythical serpents and dragons, when their vision was weakened by old age. They always kept a stone between the teeth and removed only during a meal and drink.
The Indians called the fiery red ruby ​​"ratna-raja" (king of precious stones) and valued higher than other gems. According to Indian legend, a drop of blood from the wounds of good god Assur, and the evil demon Lanka, struggling for power in the sky fell to the sand of the sacred Ganges and turned into a fiery rubies.
In Russia, this stone is called "ruby chervchat." From the words of Ivan the Terrible, handed down in the stories of an Englishman Gorse, we learn about the amazing properties of ruby, "This is a red ruby, - said the king - he heals the heart, brain, power and memory of man."


In the Middle Ages interest in ruby, as well as other precious stones, only grew. Rubin took the place of honor among the most precious of all precious stones, giving the palm to only diamond. Benvenuto Cellini considered the king of rock ruby ​​and unconditionally believed in its healing and magical properties. He claimed that Ruby - it's animating stone that can return power and banish depression.
In the museums of England, France, Portugal, Colombia, Burma, shining red placer rubies.
In the Moscow Kremlin Armory Museum you can see the beautiful red stones - rubies, spinels, garnets and tourmalines, decorate the numerous articles appearing in the treasury of Russian tsars. This Crown of Monomakh crown of the kingdom of Kazan, the Crown of Empress Catherine I, many of the corona. Also, scepters, orbs, shields, Brahma (the king's Mantle), mace, pectoral crosses. Sovereign thrones, weapons, staffs, canes, ornaments, earrings, bracelets, rings adorned with rubies. In the special pantry and storeroom in the East Hermitage are amazing products with red stones - Scythian, Greek, Persian, Roman, Indian.
Indifferent to the red stone was the Russian Emperor Paul I. In all his remaining lifetime portraits dominated the red spectrum. And the ring was inserted into the emperor, according to the inventory of jewels of the Russian crown, the magnificent red rock. In 1917 a study was conducted which showed that the stone - a diamond, but not ruby ​​red, pink and transparent. The intensity of the coloration imparted inserted into the cast stone red foil. As ominous coincidence, the last moments of life of the king were associated with red stones. The fatal blow, cut short the life of Paul I, was caused massive gold snuff box inlaid with rubies.
Medicinal properties.

Since ancient times, the ruby ​​was prized as a stone-healer. It was believed that it raises blood pressure, treats diseases of the stomach, various bleeding heart disease.
Red color of the stone increases immunity.
Has a positive effect on fetal development in the first trimester of pregnancy when there is a tab key organs and tissues of the unborn child. But in the second half of pregnancy is not recommended to use it - it raises blood pressure and increases the risk of toxicosis.
Caution must wear ruby ​​for people with choleric temperament, excitable and prone to affect, as a rock only enhances those qualities. We do not recommend it as high blood pressure, full-blooded and obese people, as it can cause high blood pressure, and sometimes even strokes.
According to legend, Paracelsus treated ruby ​​even cancerous ulcers.
Rubin, along with sapphire and is used in modern medicine. Single crystals of precious corundum was possible to implant in the tissues of the body, because they are inert and do not react with acids and alkalis. Used as radiating a laser to "flashing the retina", removing birthmarks in dentistry.

Talismans and amulets.

Magee saw Ruby Dragon clot that can give unlimited power and have an irresistible effect on people. It is no accident Ruby was a favorite stone of the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, bloodsuckers. Many people believe that rubies give mental strength and courage to the owner, strengthen his heart.

Rubin counteracts the poison and sorrow, lust curbs, drives the terrible dreams, enlighten the mind, body stores of the dangers, and if danger is near, warned of it, becoming darker.

In India the ruby ​​was one of the most revered magical stones. He was considered the best exponent of the element of Fire. It is believed that the jewelry with rubies help focus sexual energy. In India it was known strong wine, to which was added in powder worn rubies.

It is believed that rubies can inspire people to do great things. In ancient times believed that changing the color of ruby ​​jewelry owner warns of impending danger

Compliance with the sign of the Zodiac:

Zodiac sign Leo is the ruby.

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